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Don't Waste Your Life!

Everyday, every single day i see people who are so depressed. I see people sitting at home without doing anything in their life, like they are inviting depression to their life and this is driving me crazy. We have a gift from god called "LIFE" and some of us are wasting this opportunity, an opportunity to live a life with all of the beautiful things that it has to offer for us. When i ask those people why aren't they trying to do anything in their life?, all they answered is "I'm not good with anything", I mean guys come on! Have you even tried?!. If someone told you that you are not good at something that doesn't mean you are not good with anything!. Everyone of us have his own abilities, but we have to search for those abilities in us and then to use those abilities to make a difference in this world. Have you ever asked yourself "why I am living this life?why me from all the 40 million possibilities?" Well, the answer to this question is easy, it's because you have something special in you. In this blog post I want to share with you three tips that you can use to drive yourself on achieving your dreams, or if you don't have one, it will help you on believing that you can have one of your own.

1)Create a Vision Of The Future!

The thing that make us special as humans is that we have imagination. You can create a vision of your own future my friend. Don't waste time thinking about stupid things, start thinking and imagining yourself how your life be in the future. Wake up everyday with a reason to live and build the road to success on your vision. You should live in the future and work for it in the present. Give yourself between 10-15 minutes everyday and imagine what kind of a person you will be in the future, what goals are you going to achieve and the lifestyle that you are going to have. By doing that, you will have the drive and the motivation you need to wake up everyday and move forward to make your dreams come true.

2)Think, Act and Be POSITIVE!

One of the keys to be successful with anything even to stay motivated is to be Positive. This will give the good vision to the future because this this will give the motivation you need everyday, it will drive you to work harder on your dreams and on achieving more goals in your life. To stay positive, you have to stay away from everyone that make you feel bad, because it will make you think in a negative way. You have to stay away from a negative conversations and negative thoughts. I personally believe that the news on the TV is best why to drive yourself into depression because its full with negativity and thats why i don't look at it. Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as yours or have the same drive to be successful in life, because they inspire you to be always better.

3)Set Short Term Goals

Having a long term goals is great but you also need to have a short term goals too. Achieving the short term goals will give you the drive to reach to your long term goals and it will make you feel good professionally and personally. Short term goals will keep on road and you will get used to achieve success in life.

Those three tips will keep you focused on whatever your goals are and will make you grow more skills in you. Stay optimistic and give a meaning for the things you want to do in life. Work on making this world a better place to live in. We need people with hope and people with a vision of a better future. Everyone of us have something special in him because if we didn't, we won't be even living life. So my friend don't waste your life and unleash the better version of you everyday.

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